We took a hike today that restored my faith in national parks — yesterday was a crazy day full of families and kids overcrowded trails and less than anticipated scenery. Today was totally different, thanks to Rayene’s Mom, Wanette’s suggestions.
We decided we needed to get away from the crowds and hiked to Checkerboard Mesa Arch…. “the other side of the tunnel”, no trail, 4 mile r/t and spectacular.

Hiking the wash… until we ran into a rock tumble and puddle that wasn’t scalable and had to figure out a way around. All good fun!
Still windy, but down between the canyon walls it’s warm and not so chilly … despite our attire…
Never mind the spring flowers surrounded by snow … and the “blizzard” that greeted us when we arrived to view the arch … Yes, I’m not kidding, luckily the sun came back out for a nice lunch break.

Amazing vistas and scenery along the way … hike the wash, then over a saddle and down to a plateau with a great arch view.
Oh, yes, and the arch … don’t forget the arch!

So who knew the the arch was a bit tiny and at the top of a mesa? 🙂 Doesn’t matter, the vistas, scenery along the way were amazing.
Is it possible the view the other way was even more spectacular?
And now it’s time to head back …
Great hike, great hiking companions! THANKS Wanette for the suggestion! Cheers! Jan & David