Remember when a week was forever? I remember as a kid, our family would go on a vacation to the beach … the week would stretch magically in front of me … it seemed like it could never end. Fun was forever. So why is my week on Ocracoke Island almost over already. Almost before it starts it seems. Time just flies and there’s never enough …
Here are a few photos for the week, new posts on fun stuff coming soon … but today’s my last full day on the island and I want to make the most of it!

The dunes behind our campsite at sunrise – yes, I was awake at sunrise! Once. 🙂

Sunrise over the Atlantic behind our campsite.

Perfect beach

Windblown dunes and sea oats

The view from our back porch

Indian Blanket flowers and butterflies are everywhere

The Ocracoke paint ponies are a sad story, roads, civilization and wild ponies don’t mix well.

Grilling dinner on our back porch overlooking the Ocracoke dunes.

Our campsite has many friends … here’s one of my crabby buddies.

Sunset over the Ocracoke village boat docks — Good Night!