Do you love to hike? We absolutely love it. Some of the best places simply can only be reached by foot, no other option. However … we are Flatlanders. That means we live at 650 feet above sea level half of the year and at sea level when we’re living aboard our sailboat the other half the year. No matter that we walk 4 miles a day, it simply doesn’t equate to hiking at elevation … even moderate elevation like the 6000 feet at Iceberg Lake in Glacier National Park.
Normally when we’re traveling in our #Lance 1685 travel trailer, it’s not a big deal as we acclimate to the elevation gradually as we drive, but flying is different. We did allow a day to get acclimated, which is better than none, but not quite enough.
But the hike to Iceberg Lake was amazing and I wouldn’t trade my aching lungs, pounding heart, headache or throbbing quads for anything. Best part was the lake, and second best part was the next day everything felt much easier!
Here’s proof! 🙂
What’s your favorite hike in Glacier National Park? Please leave a comment and share – we may need to add it to our list when we tow our Lance 1685 to the northwestern US next summer! Cheers! Jan