Exploring Cuba … “camping” on water with our sailboat! Searching for salsa, mojitos and local culture. Here are some posts from CommuterCruiser.com if you’re interested. P.S. If you want to experience Cuba as we did … skip to the last post “Viva Cuba” In Photos. It’s an amazing place and experience!

Look! It’s 90 miles to Havana, Cuba from the Southernmost Point in Key West!
Click on the posts below for our month long adventure to explore Cuba. Not as long as we’d like, but most interesting!
Documents Needed to Sail to Cuba (for US Citizens as of 2.2016)
Obama Is Coming! Obama Is Coming!
US Citizens Check-In Process to Cuba
How Much Money Should We Take to Cuba?
Transportation: Getting Around Cuba Without Breaking the Bank
Sailboat & Tanker Collide Enroute to Cuba
Returning From Cuba: Checking in at Key West on a Boat
Not My Dad’s 50’s Ford Fairlane!
Understanding Cuba: Barcardi and the Long Fight for Cuba
Visit CommuterCruiser.com for the latest.