National Parks Pass Price Increasing August 28, 2017! - Trailer Traveler
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National Parks Pass Price Increasing August 28, 2017!

National Parks Pass Price Increasing August 28, 2017!

Only 22 more days left to get a Senior Lifetime National Parks Pass for only $10!  If you’re 62 years old or older and enjoy visiting the National Parks, be sure to get to a parks office to get your Senior Lifetime National Parks Pass for $10!  The senior lifetime pass price increases to $80 on August 28, 2017  — still a steal!  A week’s pass at Yellowstone National Park is $30 per vehicle, so you can see the $10 pass (or even the $80 pass) is a HUGE value!

So far we’ve visited 26 Lower 48 National Parks (plus 4 outside the Lower 48 and countless National Monuments, Forests, Seashores and Rivers) and have 21 Lower 48 Nat’l Parks to go.  Having the $10 Senior Pass has saved us HUGE over the past 8 years!

Why do I want my own Senior Pass  when David’s pass covers entrance and camping fees for both of us? Two reasons. First to support the National Parks, but more importantly, when you book tours in national parks, such as Carlsbad Caverns, the Senior Pass entitles David to half price. But I still have to pay full price for my tour.  We calculated how many tours we’ve taken and how much we would have saved, and it more than covers the cost of the second Senior Pass.

If you’re not sure the closest place to purchase your National Parks Senior Pass, consult the list at the link below provided by the National Park Service.  There are many federal lands/forests/lakes etc. that sell the passes in addition to every national park.  Before you go, the telephone numbers are on this list, be sure to call the office listed to insure they sell the pass you want.

Natl Park Pass Issuance List

Or you can buy your Senior National Parks Pass Online – click here for more information.

After August 28, 2017, the Lifetime Pass price increases to $80, but you can also buy an Annual Senior Pass for $20/year.  The $20 applies if you decide to exchange the annual pass for a lifetime pass $80.    For more information on the Changes to the Senior Pass directly from the National Park Service, click here.

If you already have a Senior National Parks Pass, no worries, everything remains the same – you bought your pass and it’s good for your lifetime.  What an amazing deal!

Happy National Park Exploring!  Please leave a comment and share if you have more information!  Cheers!  Jan

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