Website: Manatee Springs State Park, Chiefland, FL
Campground/Park Map: Hickory and Magnolia Loop 1 and 2 Maps
Reservations: Book Online Here or call (800) 326-3521 (8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.)
Local Park Telephone Number: 352-493-6072
Showers ****** 6 stars, average (on my 12 point scale – click here for more on the rating scale). Points for large private changing areas, plenty of warm/not quite steamy water and places for soap, shampoo and razors. Also convenient number of hooks (at least in the women’s side, David said the men’s side was lacking hooks) Very clean although wet floor. No heat although there’s a huge fan for warmer days. Very convenient to our campsite, #57!

Campsite #57’s resident armadillo – he startled me one evening he got so close I thought he was going to jump in my lap.
BONUS POINTS! Deer and armadillos walking through the campsite provided ambience and the “who cooks for you” and “whoo” of the Barred and Great Horned Owls at night were charming even though we could never spot them.
Scenic Value: **** Above average! Nestled in the tall pines, the campsites were all mostly private and well spaced.
Mosquitos/Bugs: Very minimal — one of the first campsites we’ve had that we can actually sit outside and enjoy the afternoon without being covered in DEET. Loving it.
Noise Levels: Again, very minimal – other than the construction noise from the other campground — Magnolia 1 is being totally redone and should be very nice. Until then, expect to put up with the back-up beeps of heavy machinery and other construction noise. This was November 2014, hopefully it will be done before next spring & summer.
Campsite: **** Above Average. #57 – quiet, shaded, spacious, almost level with water & electricity … what more could I ask?
Claustrophobia Quotient WAY below average! No claustrophobia in this campsite! We could see the flickering of another campers campfire across the way through the trees and the back of our next door neighbor’s 5th Wheel, but overall great!
Access to Essentials: Chiefland is the closest town, sort of in the middle of nowhere but only about 6 miles away. There’s a WalMart and other essentials. Not so sure about restaurants, although I’m sure they were there, we weren’t looking. It’s a small town, so not a lot of other activity.
Campsite Price: $24/night. A bummer that the State of Florida does not offer a senior discount unless you happen to be a Florida resident.
Have you camped at Manatee Springs State Park? Anything to add? Please leave a comment and share! Cheers! Jan